Vagrant boxes

Packages are built on Vagrant boxes for reproducibility.

Make sure to have the most recent version of VirtualBox and Vagrant.

Vagrant boxes are hosted on hashicorp.

Using vagrant boxes

This section contains instructions to use conda-build-centos-6.6 box, the same apply for conda-build-centos-7.0 or conda-build-oxs-10.9 boxes.

Create a directory and initialize the box in it:

mkdir -p inria-pro-sed/conda-build-centos-6.6
cd inria-pro-sed/conda-build-centos-6.6
vagrant init inria-pro-sed/conda-build-centos-6.6

In the Vagrantfile, synchronise your Conda recipe directory:

config.vm.synced_folder "/path/to/repo/sed-pro-inria/conda-recipes",

and increase cpu and memory:

# Memory and CPU.
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v|
  v.memory = 4096
  v.cpus = 8

Start the machine, and connect to it:

vagrant up
vagrant ssh

Build your Conda package and use the upload alias to upload on

  • on the inria-pro-sed user,
  • on the main,boxname-boxversion channels.

Build a new box

Make changes in Vangrantfile, ressources/ or script/.


Update version number in ressources/_bashrc.

Between two tagged versions, set the version number to X.X.Xdev in ressources/_bashrc.

Commit and tag:

git add ressources/_bashrc # and other files
git commit -m "Bump conda-build-centos-6.6 version number to X.X.X"
git tag centos-6.6-X.X.X

Destroy old box, and create a new one:

vagrant destroy
vagrant up

Package the box, and add into Vagrant:

vagrant package --output

Upload the box to using the web interface.

Or generate a token from , store it in $ATLAS_TOKEN and use the API. For example:

# TODO: create a provider

# Upload a box for provider
UPLOAD_PATH=XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX # Use value returned by previous command
curl -X PUT --upload-file $$UPLOAD_PATH # display nothing, just wait...