Vagrant boxes =================================================================== Packages are built on Vagrant boxes for reproducibility. Make sure to have the most recent version of `VirtualBox `_ and `Vagrant `_. Vagrant boxes are hosted on `hashicorp `_. Using vagrant boxes ------------------------------------------------------------------- This section contains instructions to use `conda-build-centos-6.6` box, the same apply for `conda-build-centos-7.0` or `conda-build-oxs-10.9` boxes. Create a directory and initialize the box in it: .. code-block:: bash mkdir -p inria-pro-sed/conda-build-centos-6.6 cd inria-pro-sed/conda-build-centos-6.6 vagrant init inria-pro-sed/conda-build-centos-6.6 In the `Vagrantfile`, synchronise your Conda recipe directory: .. code-block:: ruby config.vm.synced_folder "/path/to/repo/sed-pro-inria/conda-recipes", "/home/vagrant/repo/sed-pro-inria/conda-recipes" and increase cpu and memory: .. code-block:: bash # Memory and CPU. config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v| v.memory = 4096 v.cpus = 8 end Start the machine, and connect to it: .. code-block:: bash vagrant up vagrant ssh Build your Conda package and use the `upload` alias to upload on ``: - on the `inria-pro-sed` user, - on the `main,boxname-boxversion` channels. Build a new box ------------------------------------------------------------------- Make changes in `Vangrantfile`, `ressources/` or `script/`. Update `CHANGELOG`. Update version number in `ressources/_bashrc`. Between two tagged versions, set the version number to X.X.Xdev in `ressources/_bashrc`. Commit and tag: .. code-block:: bash git add ressources/_bashrc # and other files git commit -m "Bump conda-build-centos-6.6 version number to X.X.X" git tag centos-6.6-X.X.X Destroy old box, and create a new one: .. code-block:: bash vagrant destroy vagrant up Package the box, and add into Vagrant: .. code-block:: bash vagrant package --output Upload the box to using the `web interface `_. Or generate a `token `_ from , store it in `$ATLAS_TOKEN` and use the `API `_. For example: .. code-block:: bash # TODO: create a provider # Upload a box for provider curl$VAGRANT_BOX_VERSION/provider/virtualbox/upload?access_token=$ATLAS_TOKEN UPLOAD_PATH=XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX # Use value returned by previous command curl -X PUT --upload-file $$UPLOAD_PATH # display nothing, just wait...