Package listing

Linear algebra libraries

Available libraries are:

Package Description Links
METIS Serial Graph Partitioning and Fill-reducing Matrix Ordering recipe, packages
Mumps A parallel sparse direct solver recipe, packages
Open MPI Open MPI: A high performance message passing library recipe, packages
ParMETIS ParMETIS is an MPI-based parallel library that implements a variety of algorithms for partitioning unstructured graphs, meshes, and for computing fill-reducing orderings of sparse matrices. recipe, packages
PETSc PETSc: Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation recipe, packages
ScaLAPACK ScaLAPACK is a library of high-performance linear algebra routines for parallel distributed memory machines. recipe, packages
SuperLU_DIST SuperLU is a general purpose library for the direct solution of large, sparse, nonsymmetric systems of linear equations on high performance machines. recipe, packages
Eigen Eigen is a C++ template library for linear algebra. recipe, packages


  • Open MPI is build with C, C++ and Fortran API.

Relationships between main libraries are (blue indicate package provided by

digraph petsc {
PETSc -> Mumps
Mumps -> ScaLAPACK
Mumps -> ParMETIS
SuperLU_DIST -> OpenBLAS

OpenBLAS [color=blue]
} digraph dolfin {
dolfin -> boost
dolfin -> qt
dolfin -> vtk
dolfin -> Eigen3
dolfin -> ffc
dolfin -> ply
dolfin -> OpenMPI
ffc -> ufl
ffc -> fiat
ffc -> instant
ufl -> six
fiat -> numpy
fiat -> sympy
instant -> SWIG
instant -> numpy
instant -> CMake

qt [color=blue]
boost [color=blue]
numpy [color=blue]
vtk [color=blue]
six [color=blue]
SWIG [color=blue]
ply [color=blue]
sympy [color=blue]
CMake [color=blue]

Image processing libraries (not yet available)

Package Description Links
OpenMVS OpenMVS (Multi-View Stereo) is a library for computer-vision scientists and especially targeted to the Multi-View Stereo reconstruction community. recipe, packages
OpenMVG “open Multiple View Geometry” is a library for computer-vision scientists and especially targeted to the Multiple View Geometry community. recipe, packages
GLFW GLFW is an Open Source, multi-platform library for creating windows with OpenGL contexts and receiving input and events. recipe, package
OpenExif OpenExif is an object-oriented library for accessing Exif formatted JPEG image files. recipe, package
OSI Osi (Open Solver Interface) provides an abstract base class to a generic linear programming (LP) solver, along with derived classes for specific solvers. recipe, package
CLP Clp (Coin-or linear programming) is an open-source linear programming solver written in C++. recipe, package
Mesa Mesa is an open-source implementation of the OpenGL specification - a system for rendering interactive 3D graphics. recipe not available, package
digraph OpenMVS {
OpenMVS -> OpenMVG
OpenMVG -> OpenEXIF
OpenMVG -> CLP
OpenMVG -> OSI
GLFW -> Mesa

Mesa [color=blue]

Software engineering tools

Available tools:

Package Description Links
buildbot-master Buildbot is an open-source framework for automating software build, test, and release processes. recipe, packages
buildbot-slave Buildbot is an open-source framework for automating software build, test, and release processes. recipe, packages
klink A Simple and Clean Sphinx Docs Theme recipe, packages
nbtools Tools for managing IPython notebooks recipe, packages

Relationships between main libraries are (blue indicate package provided by

digraph "buildbot-master" {
"Buildbot Master" -> "python2.7"
"Buildbot Master" -> Twisted
"Buildbot Master" -> Jinja2
"Buildbot Master" -> SQLAlchemy
"Buildbot Master" -> dateutil
"Buildbot Master" -> "SQLAlchemy Migrate"
"SQLAlchemy Migrate" -> SQLAlchemy
"SQLAlchemy Migrate" -> Decorator
"SQLAlchemy Migrate" -> Tempita

"python2.7" [color=blue]
Twisted [color=blue]
Jinja2 [color=blue]
SQLAlchemy [color=blue]
dateutil [color=blue]
Decorator [color=blue]
} digraph nbtools {
nbtools -> Python
nbtools -> Jinja2
nbtools -> "IPython Notebook"
nbtools -> matplotlib
nbtools -> nose
nbtools -> ghdiff
ghdiff -> chardet

Python [color=blue]
Jinja2 [color=blue]
matplotlib [color=blue]
nose [color=blue]
"IPython Notebook" [color=blue]

File format libraries

Available libraries:

Package Description Links
GetPot Powerful Input File and Command Line Parser recipe, packages
h5utils h5utils is a set of utilities for visualization and conversion of scientific data in the free, portable HDF5 format. recipe, packages
HDF5 HDF5 is a data model, library, and file format for storing and managing data. recipe, packages
LM5 Reads and writes mesh files (.mesh) or physical solution files (.sol) recipe, packages
yaml-cpp A YAML parser and emitter in C++ recipe, packages


  • HDF5 is build with C and C++ API.

Python bindings

Available Python bindings are:

Package Description Links
h5py The h5py package is a Pythonic interface to the HDF5 binary data format. recipe, packages
mpi4py This package provides Python bindings for the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard. recipe, packages
petsc4py PETSc for Python recipe, packages